Quilt Along Rail Fence
Week 2

We are in Week 2 of the Rail Fence Quilt Along. How did it go choosing your fabric the first week? I hope great! Because, now we are ready to cut up all that pretty fabric. This cutting process should be easy and painless. Even for people like me who don’t enjoy the cutting process! How about you? Do you like cutting or do you dread it? Feel free to write in the comments below.

Reasons this cutting is easy:

  • The pieces are all the same size.
  • We are cutting in long strips.
  • We only have three fabrics to cut.

Tip #1

Before you start slicing up your fabric, I have a suggestion for you. Take a quick look at your rotary blade. I often start to work with my rotary cutter and forget that it is time to change the blade. I only notice after my first slice when I see that my blade didn’t make a clean cut through the fabric. Urrghhh! What a waste! Quilty Friends, I want your quilt experience happy and free of bumps in the road.

Tip #2

The second tip is to remember the pattern is based on 40” of usable fabric. The usable fabric means that I am not including the selvage.

Tip #3

Tip #4

Lastly, here is a little video about how to slice the fabric.

I am woman who likes a blog post and a video. Anyone else like that? haha

Are you looking for the quilt pattern? No problem! There is still time to join the quilt along. Just sign up. In six weeks you will have a baby size or throw size quilt. If you choose the twin or queen size, you might need more time.

We begin cutting the fabric on Tuesday February 28th and the last class is March 28th. This means, you’ll have your completed quilt by Easter! For those who participate in Easter, the goal is to have your quilt finished before Holy Week which leads to Easter. I know for me that this week before Easter can be crazzzzy hectic.  And, if you like a picnic…In Italy, we have Little Easter, Pasquetta, on the Monday after Easter Sunday. The Pasquetta tradition is to go on a picnic. Your quilt will be ready for a Pasquetta picnic or for you to take a nap after your Easter guests go home. Ha-ha!

Happy Fabric Cutting!

Sending you lots of joy from Rome!

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