Easy Quilt Series

“Stars All Day Long”

Are we ready to for some easy quilts? I was thinking about this time of year. In the United States, it was just Memorial Day Weekend. For those of you reading this blog who are not American, Memorial Day is when we remember and honor those in military service who died fighting for their country. Plus, just around the corner is Independence Day, on July 4th. And, sprinkled throughout the summer are picnics and long days at the beach. It seems fitting to kick off this easy quilt series with “Stars All Day Long”.

Before you begin, consider what colors you will use. As usual, I recommend keeping things easy:

  • choose your background fabric
  • choose 3 colors you want for your stars

There are 9 stars in this quilt. And, the color sheme can be anyway that you want. In fact, for this first step, thinking about colors and placement is the goal. Do you want all three colors per row? Or, do you want to mix it up?
Take a look at these mock ups of fun bright colors and a patriotic theme.

Of course, you can choose more colors! But, just so you know, the pattern is written for 3 colors plus the background fabric.

In my quilt, I used a denim chambray fabric. The use of a fabric similar to jeans gave me the feel of America. I loved it! The colors of pink really popped against the denim look, too.

In my quilt, I used a denim chambray fabric. The use of a fabric similar to jeans gave me the feel of America. I love it! The colors of pink really popped against the denim look, too.

Anyway, play around with the color scheme. Download and print a coloring sheet so you can play with different options. The idea is to get the juices flowing. Then, the next step will be the quilt pattern!

The quilt pattern is for FREE! Just register for the newsletter below!

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Sending you lots of quilt Joy from Rome!


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