Pizza Rustica Recipe/Ricetta – with video

Mi Scusi, ma la ricetta è solo disponibile in inglese. Perche gli Italiani sanno già come si fa:)

The aroma of flaky pastry dough stuffed with sauteed spinach is enough to make me want to dance!

You’re just going to love this Pizza Rustica. It is easy to make and it is very delicious. Plus, it is a show stopper! Prepare yourself for many ooooos and aaaaaahhhhs!


2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (for cooking)

2 Cloves of Garlic

¾ to 1 Golden Onion finely sliced (use a mandolin)

600g Frozen Spinach cooked and well drained of liquid (It should be 600g after draining)

½ teaspoon salt

250g Ricotta (cow)

60g Parmigiano Reggiano

60g Emmental or Gruyère freshly shredded

2 Puff Round Pastries Refrigerated (Buitoni Sfoglia Rotonda – Italy; Pepperidge Farm – USA)


Defrost and drain the cooked spinach.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a pan, heat 2 tablespoons of EVOO on a low flame. Once the oil is warm, add two cloves of garlic. Rotate the garlic so they are golden on each side with slight blisters. Then immediately add the onion. Stir for about 8 minutes until the onions are translucent. Remove the garlic cloves and discard them. Then add the spinach. (It is important the spinach is drained very well.) Sautee the spinach with the onions and the garlic-infused oil. Make sure all ingredients are evenly distributed. Stir for about 4 minutes. Turn off the burner. Allow the spinach to cool.

Make the cheese and egg mixture while the spinach cools. In a bowl, add the ricotta and the two eggs. Use an electric whisk and mix until thick and fluffy. Next add to the bowl, the Parmigiano and the Emmental. Use the electric whisk again. Mix well until it is thick and ingredients are evenly distributed. Finally, touch the spinach and make sure it is room temperature. Add the spinach to the cheese and egg mixture. Stir with a spatula, not the electric whisk. Mix well.

Take one pastry roll from the refrigerator. Line the baking pan with one pastry roll. Leave the paper on the roll. Press the pastry roll into the pan. (The paper side of the roll must face the pan.) Allow for the pastry roll to slightly hang over the side of the pan. This will help keep the dough from sliding downward when the mixture is added.

Pour the mixture into the baking pan. Evenly distribute the spinach with a spatula. Next, take the second pastry roll from the refrigerator. Place it on top of the baking pan to create a top. Trim the excess off. Save the excess dough for making shapes with a cookie cutter. Pinch the two pastry rolls together. Twist the doughs in ward to make a crust. Use a cookie cutter and cut shapes with the remaining dough. (see below how to attach the shapes.)

Golden Crust

Take one egg. Separate the egg white and discard it. Put the egg yolk in a bowl with a splash of cold water. Mix well. Use a brush to paint the yolk onto the dough and crust. Paint directly onto the shapes and stick them onto the dough. Once all the shapes are placed, paint over them with the yolk.  


Put the Pizza Rustica in the oven for 40 to 50 minutes.

Take it out of the oven.

Remove the Pizza Rustica from the pan and place on a cooling rack for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Serve hot or at room temperature.


I send you happy wishes from Rome,

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