Classic Quilt Blocks – Rail fence

Rail Fence Quilt Block

Would you like to learn classic quilt block patterns? Traditional quilt patterns are featured right here with step by step instructions. Plus, you’ll find tips and tricks to perfect your quilt skills.

Check out this beginner friendly quilt block, Rail Fence

The Rail Fence is so easy!
Make an entire quilt in a weekend!

What you’ll need for one block:

  • two – 2.5”x 14” color 1 (I used dark blue)
  • two – 2.5”x 14” color 2 (I used a print of blues)
  • two – 2.5”x 14” color 3 (I used the color cream)

each strip is 2.5 inches wide and 14 inches long

How to assemble:

Take one strip of each color and stitch them together lengthwise.

  • sew one strip of color 1 with one strip of color 2
  • Then sew one strip of color 3 (and attach it to color 2)
  • The colors should go in order, 1, 2, 3

Repeat with the remaining strips.

You will have two sets when you finish. See the photo below.

Your two strip sets should look like these.

Press all seams in one direction – toward the darker fabric. If you need some tips of seams and ironing, read this blog post.

In the photo you can see the seams are ironed toward the darker fabric.

Next use the ruler to cut 6.5” off each strip set.

On your cutting mat, lay a strip set so the lines are horizontal. Then measure 6.5 inches across, align your ruler, and slice.

Look at the photo to see a visual of what I mean.

Lay the strip set on the ruler of the cutting mat. Measure 6.5 inches, align your ruler with the cutting mat lines, and slice.
Assure accuracy and measure the second piece. A tiny bit will need to be trimmed to make it exactly 6.5 inches.

There may be a tiny bit to trim off of your finished squares. Measure them to 6.5 inches and trim.

Repeat this step with the remaining strip set.

Once you cut all your strip sets, you will have 4 squares

Can you believe it? We are almost finished!!

To make the rail fence effect, arrange your squares like the photo.

When making a quilt, this layout will give an appearance of “blue steps”.

Let’s sew!

Now you just sew the squares together.

  • I like to assemble my blocks from left to right.
  • Then, I like to sew the top row to the bottom row

The photos below show you my process.

Top row of the Rail Fence block
Bottom row of the Rail Fence Block
Sew the top row to the bottom row to complete your block.

Ta-Da! There you have it! So easy!

For my Rail Fence quilt block, I used blues from my stash.

I have a lot of blue fabric in my sewing studio. Budget is my love language.

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What colors will you make your blocks? Will you go for an eclectic look? Or do you prefer similar colors?

Have a joyful week!
From Rome with Love,

Hello! I’m Rachel with Gioia Mia Studio in Rome, Italy. (pronounced joy-yah)
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